Victory is mine!

So I rocked MySQL’s world.

I got a relational database working that auto detects different types of musings and automatically, through php, creates a list for those musings. There is some manual input needed, mostly just a single entry in one database, but it truly is a nice streamlined way of doing things. I realize it isn’t rocket science, but it does get the job done.

That’s pretty much what I wanted to say this evening. With that I think I may just be off to bed before the sun comes up. Or maybe I could get started on the content management system that is looming over my head. If anyone has an idea how to get out of this it would be greatly appreciated. I would rather write some content than try and get a content management system up an working, even though it would be a great learning experience.

I appologize for any spelling or gramatical errors in this short piece of writing. It’s what you get from a shatteredcube and from a tired college student at 2:26 in the morning.

Good night all!

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