For the past couple of days I’ve been healing an ear infection. I’m on some powerful antibiotics and things are just now starting to get better. I no longer need pain medication. Unfortunately I was unable to focus on much of anything between the sleeping and the…ah more sleep. That means the ski paradise posts may take a bit before becoming published. You see GTA4 comes out tonight in about an hour. This means that for the next few days I will be MIA. Should my eyes bleed and my mind wary, I will return and continue the posts. Until that time is upon us, I figure I can try to do some short thought provoking posts each night. Best of luck to all and if you have a Xbox360 I recommend getting GTA4 as it’s gaming history in the making.
Mine ear hath been pirated
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So that is why you had to go home yesterday, and why you wanted to see me so bad. The next couple of days I guess I’m on my own.
Also I find it kind of funny that you healed just in time for this release. Your body must have known that you couldn’t miss it.