You can now sign up!
It’s amazing really. I put a lot of work into this and it doesn’t really show. But that is the joy of programming. The ability to choose different CSS styles is not exactly up yet. It’s fully supported, it’s jus thtat you can’t choose in your profile yet. That will come tomorrow for sure. I just wanted to get the ball rolling and invite the first users to sign up and become beta testers. If you encounter any problems or have suggestions leave a comment on this post or send me an email.
That’s it for now, I’ve spent way too much time on this today and I need to get to bed.
Goodnight and shatter a cube!
Ok, so I’m signed up… And like I always do, I will now attempt to break it using various methods of ‘hacking’
Here we go
simland – “It is ok for Jusitn to do this, since it’s not beyond his power to delete everything (although in a cheating way). However shall anyone else attempt hacking…be prepared for the mightiness of my boomstick of banning.”
Wheres the error message I tell you? Injection just isn’t working today. Guess I’ll go home and take a nap.