It’s been a while since I did one of these:
Don’t let your parents see this one
Even if you’re female you will laugh.
Just a few to wet your pallet, now shatter something.
It’s been a while since I did one of these:
Don’t let your parents see this one
Even if you’re female you will laugh.
Just a few to wet your pallet, now shatter something.
Freakin shit plaid, ok, so you have a spelling error on your "you must log in page" god, get your shit together. Ok, I love you. Bye
Oh yeah, and I want more posts than everyone cause i’m your biggest fan.
Dude, it fucked up my birthday, i was born in 1920, not 1969, gosh.
love chops
sorry about all the language, it’s my damn computer, i don’t want to swear, it just fills the shit in, fuck
Matt you are crazy!!! And you have a long way to go to get to the top of the posting ratings. not that i think you can’t do it, because i know you could
And you really need to get your computer fixed if it randomly puts in language like that. That is just fuckin’ wrong. You shouldn’t swear that much 😉
Hmmm… I’m not sure if I want Chops to be cooler than me 🙁
Nobody wants Chops to be cooler than them, that is just wrong