This shall be my first decree:
Thursday is Chore Elimination Day or CED for short.
There have been a few things like laundering new clothes, building/buying a tie rack, throwing out garbage, finish my move, get the oil changed and various other tasks that have been building up. I will use Thursday morning and afternoon to finish these tasks. Every Wednesday I will make a list of things to get done and evaluate how I did Thursday night. Here is the list for tomorrow.
- Remove tags from new clothes and launder.
- Do “Day 1” of workout
- Get oil changed
- Put Clothes in Dryer
- Throw out old Minnesota Dailys
- Put resume on and
- Finish Workout plan
- Finish moving all clothes to the new room.
That should be a good start. If I find myself with more time, I’ll try to get a few others done, but it’s best not to set unachievable goals. I’ve got to be done with this stuff by 5:00pm because after that it’s dinner with Elizabeth and Nina.
If anyone else wants to put up a checklist of things to do in the comments and then a checklist showing what you completed in the CEDC (CED check) post I will make tomorrow, it would be a good way for us to hold each other to be accountable.
If you every need me to call you and check on progress or make sure you are up let me know the day before. I can put it in my calendar to call you every thursday at 10 or 11.