I swear those lawn gnomes steal everything. I went to brush my teeth tonight and my toothpaste is missing. The usual people in my family who steal things claim they haven’t touched it and that leaves only one solution…lawn gnomes. It could be that my family did move it and forgot to mention to themselves that they moved it. This happens quite often and is an occurance I wish to observe more closely.
I don’t have much time to post so I will keep this brief. I posted myself to hotornot.com. This will to no doubt end in a bad way for soemone, most likely me. Although I can’t help but say that I like the clever idea that the hotornot people did and did well. They based a site on something every person has and spends lots of money to improve, their vanity.
Well, I am off to bed for I need to get up. Work is work and school is all wraped up in vector spaces and eigenvectors, both not as fun as they sound. I’ll be back sometime soon with a longer post.
Till then go shatter a cube
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