You may notice that things have changed a bit around here. The new template is nearing version 1.0 status. As is, Version 0.9 is stable enough to be implemented for testing purposes. Unfortunately I don’t have an easy way to set up a test server or test location. That means that I will have to test on the live WordPress installation. This is incredibly bad practice, but the only one available.
Some features that you may have noticed:
- Use your mousewheel on the banner image to change it’s hue.
- The buttons to the right of the content allow you to change the header image to certain preset colors.
- The Cube button”explodes” the glass display units.
- IE is likely extremely busted right now.
- The page, aside from the mootools include, is fairly light weight for what it does.
- The page is 99% fluid.
The list of things yet to do for v1.0:
- Perfect fonts and styles
- Perfect List styles and Blockquotes
- Adjust for the short comings of IE
- Figure out why comments are not being displayed
In the mean time you can help yourself out by getting Firefox, the only browser you should use.
Comments exist now but are in need of repair. The comments file is huge, so wish me luck.
I only have internet explorer on this computer… and it is busted. But I look forward to viewing it at home 🙂
looking good. very fluid. that right column might be just a tad two narrow at lower res
I have IE fixed in my pseudo testing environment (read: static filesystem). I’ve also fixed the comment box and more little details. I’ll think about upping the overall width of the page. That might help with the sidebar issue.
IE looks fine. But the buttons to change the color don’t work. But that doesn’t really matter that much.