Category Archives: Gambling

Perpetual 2nd

Doomed I say.  Doomed to live a life of eternal second places.  Yet another poker game has come and gone, resulting in a second place finish for yours truly.  The game was a steady decline until I won a few key hands to become chip leader.  I pretty much worked Greg over.  To his credit, he didn’t see the flush possibility on the board and made an ill advised call.  Thus our four player game (Greg, Casey, JJ and Myself) became a two player game and that was where my “luck” had run out.  I made an ok call by forcing JJ’s hand (pre-flop)  only to have him soundly thrash me.  From then on it was pretty much over.  No luck I say, no luck.

Chops doesn’t join us at the table on these poker nights.  In the past he had class and wouldn’t get back until after the game had started.  Not having any excuse now, he still would rather play video games or watch a movie.  This time he chose to do both.   After some Halo he put in Tremors.  As we fell one by one from the poker table we made our way into the living room to join in the viewing of Tremors.  It was certainly a refreshing look at the Golden Era of movies-ha!  It is indeed the epitome of a modern day B-movie.

We didn’t do much after that.  I returned home and ate some left over Yang’s.  Played some Xbox live with JJ and Chad.  Now it’s time for bed.  I’m pretty proud of my update track record.  Definitely a testament to the stark contrast in the usability of WordPress versus my patch work CMS.  Tomorrow should be really fun.  Greg was talking about getting JJ pretty well “hydrated” and I get to see Elizabeth after her work party.  Life is wonderful, goodnight!