Daily Archives: August 27, 2004

Moving Day!

::Note I will be adding images to the musings and I may be adding a quiz section so be sure to check those out when they are up::

So it has come to the long awaited moving day; coincidently the same time as the long awaited post. Indeed, it is that time of year again. Time for hard working young adults to step back and view what they have accomplished during there well earned time off. The stockpile of money and the nice bronze tan or perhaps it was spent with fevered effort knot tying class. Yes, it’s time to put away those efforts to focus on a higher degree of learning, college.

College is a grand place where you learn to deal with everyday BS along with your abnormally large loads of BS. To alleviate some pressure and tension from everyday life the average college student resorts to alcohol or drugs. They take these special moments to reflect on why they are in college and who their true friends are. And while they are sitting there with their head pressed against the soothing cool porcelain they truly gain respect for life. A respect thatcan be gained no where else. A repsect that truly shows you a whole new world.

And back to the subject in 3…2…1…Thus it is time for me to move into my apartment. I’ll be living on campus with 3 of my good friends that I met last year. Things are looking to be a good time. I’ve got great classes, I’m living with great people and I’ve got a great desire to succeed more than anyone can predict. I really feel like this year will be a defining year in my life.

With this I take a step in the direction of freedom. Some would say that at this age it is the desire to just be free of your parents. However, I may be one of the few that do not feel tied down in the least by my parents. They support me and try to help me with every opportunity. They are there when I need help or advice. Basically, I couldn’t become a great music artist because I don’t hate my parents. No, I don’t feel like I’m breaking any bonds. I feel like I am the young bird who has finally sprouted wings and I wish to fly for myself now. In my mind it is my duty to become independent and self sufficient. I’d like to think of it as social Darwinism and I’d rather be one of the few at the top rather than one of the many at the bottom.

I am pretty excited about this year and I look forward to it. Who knows, it might end up with me moving to a new state. Maybe I’ll start a new life. Maybe JRCA will take off. Maybe I’ll become a monk. Maybe I’ll tour Europe. The great part is I don’t know, but I am glad that I have the possibilities. Remember that you only get to live once, if you’re not happy then make it better. No use in complaining, that never really helped anyone. That enough one liners to keep ya happy? No? how about, it is always better to remain quiet and be assumed a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Hmmm good advice…

Go shatter a cube (Justin you stole this and I am glad you have returned it to its proper place. In all honesty I laughed.)