Daily Archives: January 19, 2005

2005 – The year of the Change

I’m tired of being lazy. It really doesn’t help me achieve anything and in the end it leaves you with regrets and nothing to show for it. Much like this site. I get moments of genius where great things occur. These brief moments of infinity dispearse as quickly as they are formed and I am left with something that gets forgotten and weathered. I realized that if I am to do anything with my life worth humanity remembering then I am going to need to buckle down and actually apply myself. I don’t want to jump in too quickly for fear of drowning, but I hope to get some routines down and actually achieve something. The past semester was a good example. I pulled out 4 As and a B, to which I was very pleased. Now I hope to maintain that academic track and pave a new way down a physical track. If my mind and my body are conditioned I think I will have an easier time focusing and applying myself to difficult and consuming tasks.

If at anytime you feel I am slacking I would appreciate it if you would yell at me and get me back on task. I realize that it will not be easy for me, but it is something I want to achieve. As for now I am going to make some food and play video games. Luckily I achieved everything on my check lists, minus purchasing my books, or else I would be upset at me playing video games.