Daily Archives: March 9, 2005

Changes, for you and me

You may notice some changes around here. I’ve added a comment system, though you most likely do not have the ability to post any at this time. I’m tweaking the Membership and Comment systems so that when they do go live, you will be able to use them bug free and securely.

I’ve spent a few of the past days creating a new design. That will be modified and set to fit the new html code I have for the site. I am really excited about how everything is coming together.

In life I am going through some hard times with school as it is the pre-spring-break overload. The brightside is that I am growing a better work ethic. I tell ya, the school system since day one has instilled a sense of apathy in our souls. Having never been truly challenged, I don’t know what it is like to be fully applied. If anyone has hints as to a field that is incredibly difficult and interesting, do give a heads up.

I’m looking forward to spending my spring break with Elizabeth when she is off work, playing San Andreas and working on college transfer applications (no I’m not leaving the UofM.) I don’t understand the theory behind spring break when it isn’t even spring. It’s more of a later winter break. I know it’s going to be cold and outdoor activities will be futile given the small amounts of snow and the cold temperatures.

Speaking of snow…I went snowboarding last weak with Chris and David, two very good childhood/teenage friends I haven’t seen in over a year. Having not snowboarded in 3 years, I found it a little rough at first. But, after the first 10 mins I was back on the bicycle. Since the board was rented I didn’t fear trying rails and boxes, something I won’t do on my $1000 skis. They were by far one of the sweetest feats I have ever done on a snowboard. While pain can result, it was for the most part fun. Dave had another exciting incident involving his arse and a solid object. (If you know not of what I speak give me an IM or email and I’ll see if I can find some footage of our skatepark days.)

After snowboarding I spent the weekend with my family and saw hitch with Elizabeth. Our family, sans sister, traversed our way to our new (as of fall 2004) cabin. We are working to remodel it and bring it up to date. It is a lengthy process but I enjoy demolishing and constructing, so all in all I am very excited. I’m going to attempt to learn AutoCAD in an effort create some 3D models of the designs I have in my head. I don’t know how much luck I will have because last time I tried it the program pwned my ass.

I have pictures form my trip to Germany/Paris that I might put on the site. I still haven’t decided how much information I would like to disclose on this website. In the mean time I suggest you watch adult swim, play halo and be creative.

shatter a cube my friends