Well in a rather short amount of time Justin has managed to hack the comments system. I’d like to give him lots of credit for the ingenuity but it was more on account of me being lazy and forgetting something. However, thanks to that minor act, I am now much more secure. Kudos to you Justin if you find another way.
If anyone knows about general hacks or different types please discuss in the comments and help us all learn how to protect ourselves.
As of right now I can contribute:
Mysql Injections: Using escape characters to change the syntax of a mysql query. Thus letting you do pretty much whatever you want.
Javascript Insertion: As Justin did. Allowing for redirects and other nasty things.
Taking advantage of superglobals and forms: Using foreign post documents to add uncontrolled data and declare variables.
There are others but I don’t know much about them and often are stopped using methods to prevent these 3. If you know others please share.
Until then shatter a cube, not my website!
General warning: I don’t suggest attempting hacks like this unless you like the idea of my boomstick of banning up your a**.
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