Hello all and welcome to the cube!
I hope every one had a good weekend, I know I certainly had a fun one. It started Friday where Justin and Amber picked me up and brought me to MSA. I finished my IDSC homework and turned it in electronically. After spending (and wasting) time on that I headed over to see how Justin teaches Computer Club. It’s crazy and those kids certianly have a lot of potential, hopefully they don’t get struck by the laziness bug that creeps in due to the inherent nature of the school system.
While there I met up with Dan Mensen (Hope I spelled that right.) I knew him back in the day when I went to MSA and he’s grown up to be very competent with computers. His server knowledge is far beyond the scope of mine as is manual driving abilities. He was kind enough to let Justin and I give our best at driving a stick. I won’t lie, I stalled the car a number of times. Since it was my first time with a stick I don’t think I did too bad. I learned that I needed to give it more gas at all times. Justin on the other hand, having prior experience (no matter how small) did a far better job and was able to spend most of his time in 2nd gear, vs. my 1st gear stop and go learning process. It was really fun and I think that I will do a lot better the next time I go out because I had additional practice that night.
Justin, Amber and I went of to SMS to drive NASCAR Freaky Friday. It was full when we got there, but we did have 2 free races each, due to a little investigative work done by yours truly. We switched our cars over to manuals because it gives you a slight advantage off the line. The first race, kind of sucked because I had some awful luck. I was stupid and tried to pass cars on the outside, (It was Dayton which means this won’t work), One of these spun me out and I ended up losing 17 positions. I was able to make up 5 before topping out my car because of the rev limiter. This track is a pedal to the metal track and once you reach top speed you can only watch cars and it’s hard to make up any distance. Well somehow I managed to make up some room on a group of cars. I was also going neck and neck with another car. This car put me right up against the wall but I had the clear shot on the outside and he was going to run into a bunch of cars. That’s when my car went rocketing into the air, rolling and flipping like Armageddon was on its way. I lost a lot of positions. I managed to catch up to 5 more cars before the race terminated with me only 1 lap down. I take that as a victory and a lesson well learned. Pass only on the Inside at Daytona!
The next race was at Atlanta. A track that requires you to actually drive rather than just floor it. Justin and I managed to stay with the vets this time. Justin however spun me out in lap 2, turn 2 I think. It wasn’t fair since I was at the time trying to pass in between 2 cars on the turn. I didn’t know we were playing dirty. This means no mercy next time. I lost quite a few positions due to that. Somehow I managed to work my way back up and finished 4th. Justin came in 3rd and the vets finished 1-2.
It was a great night of racing and I learned a lot. Enough so that I think I can hang with the vets now. I might have some issues on the road courses still but as far as oval tracks are I think I do pretty good.
After that I came back to campus where I hit up a party that was pretty crazy. Matt had a fun time, playing hide and run and Elizabeth has her "own" room now. Lots of good fortune that day.
Saturday was spent watching all 3 of the old star wars movies with Matt, JJ and Greg joining up later. I forgot how good they were. We hit up B dubs too (Buffalo Wild Wings) and I also have forgotten how good they were. Also a moment of silence for the Pope. It is sad when anyone dies, but eventually we all must part from this world. Whether we arrive in a heaven, hell or other, is uncertain. The Pope led a good life and good things will come to his soul.
Sunday, today, was quite uneventful. The high point of the day was when Matt and I went shopping for food. The low point was when Elizabeth left here to go do homework. Oh also Daylight savings time. That was annoying too. At least it wasn’t on a school night.
Alright that was a lot of typing and now I think I’m done. I’ve added a members only gallery. You have to be logged in to access it. This is where pretty much all future artwork will go. Right now, all that is there is a single wallpaper. Check it out, critique or whatever.
shatter a cube, and I hope you read the whole thing.
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