I’m not going to write too much in this post because time is a luxury I don’t have at the moment. I am currently playing slave driver in a group trying to get everyone to email their slides to me so that I can assemble them. This is proving difficult and I can only hope that all is done in time.
I must apologize for telling everyone to shatter a puppy. I didn’t really mean it. I hold nothing against puppies, so long as they don’t yip and bite. Perhaps this week I will direction my aggression elsewhere.
New game came in the mail; Jade Empire. It’s made by, possibly my favorite company, Bioware. Bioware is known for such great things as Baldur’s Gate and Knights of the Old Republic. I’m excited to play this, but find I don’t have enough time and put it off in favor of constructive activities.
The weekend was fun. Went over to Greg’s on Friday to play some poker and chill with the guys. Great fun and good to see that most relationships are healed, or at least the more important ones. The rest of it was spent playing KOTOR (See Knights game above). I picked it up because Jade Empire took 5 days, when clearly I told them to ship it in 2 days. None the less I gave them a tongue lashing and was done with them.
That’s about all, if I think of something else, you will know because I will post.
shatter a squirrel
LP – Just one and it’s pretty funny, especially for those who go to the U of M
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