Daily Archives: October 5, 2011

Tech Demo Turned Game

Alright, so a little additional work on yesterday’s project results in a time waster. Your goal is to get as many blank circles as you can. You will have to “spend” them to get more though. The call is yours on when to stop. Each time you “activate” a circle it lowers the cost of the surrounding circles. You can only activate a circle once it turns clear. I’d be interested to see some of your high scores in the comments. Pretty basic now, but strangely satisfying.

More Canvas Work

I took a break from my Javascript development due to life being leveled up.

I restart in a slightly different, but not entirely unrelated, direction. This is a fairly simple exercise up front, but it’s easily changed on the back end to give entirely different user experience. It’s not impossible to have it throw an error. It shouldn’t break anything and is likely only visible if you have firebug turned on. And! If you do have firebug turned on, you can see some of the debug messages.

In case there are curious minds, the current goal is a tablet UI for a Role Playing game system.

IF you haven’t figured it out yet, you should try clicking things below.