
I picked up both of my suits today. They fit pretty dang well. I could get used to this custom tailored lifestyle.

In an entirely different category of suits, I picked up a goalie chest protector last week from play it again. It was a “sorta” birthday present for JJ because he can use it when we play now. I was able to use it yesterday when we played hockey with Elizabeth’s family. I stepped in goal and used my pads along with her brother Scott’s pads. Being a goalie is certainly different from being a regular player. It worked my legs a lot more. All the up and down is tiring but exhilarating when you make the stop.

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up

Fallen off the face of the earth that is.  I would have updated last night but the internets was teh slowzor.  Let’s see, what happened since Thursday…

Hockey games.  We swept Wayne State.

Resume is 90% done and in final editing stages.

Did laundry, twice.

Worked out and played hockey yesterday.

Saw Elizabeth for a week and a half straight.

Researched and purchased a DS homebrew device.

Set up Elizabeth’s new MP3 player.

Now it’s time for me to get back to getting things done.  Laundry, workout, cleaning and Life Development work needs to get done.

I Decree (1)

This shall be my first decree:

Thursday is Chore Elimination Day or CED for short.

There have been a few things like laundering new clothes, building/buying a tie rack, throwing out garbage, finish my move, get the oil changed and various other tasks that have been building up.  I will use Thursday morning and afternoon to finish these tasks.  Every Wednesday I will make a list of things to get done and evaluate how I did Thursday night.  Here is the list for tomorrow.

  1. Remove tags from new clothes and launder.
  2. Do “Day 1” of workout
  3. Get oil changed
  4. Put Clothes in Dryer
  5. Throw out old Minnesota Dailys
  6. Put resume on Monster.com and CareerBuilder.com
  7. Finish Workout plan
  8. Finish moving all clothes to the new room.

That should be a good start.  If I find myself with more time, I’ll try to get a few others done, but it’s best not to set unachievable goals.  I’ve got to be done with this stuff by 5:00pm because after that it’s dinner with Elizabeth and Nina.

If anyone else wants to put up a checklist of things to do in the comments and then a checklist showing what you completed in the CEDC (CED check) post I will make tomorrow, it would be a good way for us to hold each other to be accountable.

Hello 2008!

Ah isn’t the baby new year so cute?

Spent this New Year’s Eve relaxed.  Instead of driving downtown to a party that might exist or to a bar where they would charge too much for one of us to drink, we decided to stay in and watch the ball drop form Elizabeth’s house.  It was a good evening except I ate too much candy and got a headache.  Dick Clark sounded really ill and looks none too happy that Ryan Seacrest is going to be his replacement.

New Year’s day was also spent relaxed.  Elizabeth and I watched Hairspray, a charming and funny movie.  I made some Cinnamon Rolls I found in the freezer.  They were crap.  I refuse to buy anything but Pillsbury brand from now on.  Still hungry, we decided to order a pizza from Papa John’s.  It arrived pretty dang fast but it was smaller than I expected.  I still prefer Papa Murphy’s to just about every pizza out there.  (Don’t worry Davanni’s Deep Dish, I still love you the best.)  Elizabeth played Zelda on the DS while I watched Illinois throw a perfectly good comeback into the toilet.

Parent’s came back from their up north adventure and we all sat around and watched Biggest Loser.  I really don’t think they should kick people off that show.  They should award points on a decreasing scale and allow teams to stay on so that more people can loose weight.

I took Elizabeth home and played some Halo with the guys.  JJ apparently purchased a nice new HDTV.  It’s a good thing he has a job now or he would be back out on the street corner.  Now it’s time for bed and some exercise in the morning.  No need to shower twice in a day, that only wastes water and I’m trying to be eco-friendly.