“9 minutes”

Justin warned me today that I was within 9 minutes of not posting everyday. This would bring the streak that I was trying to establish to a grinding halt after only 2 days. Of course one could technically say that I missed the deadline, but I prefer to think otherwise. Much like many businesses do not follow the calendar year when it comes to their fiscal year, I do not follow the standard day. My day ends when I go to sleep. If this means I end up with 48 hour days, then so be it. So I say that my day has now concluded and I can now post in detail the events of my day.

It was part two of the review extravaganza that began yesterday. Not a whole lot of exciting things happened. Moving on…I stopped at the liquor store and picked up some Winter Bourbon Ale. It is brewed apparently by Anheuser-Busch, which absolutely blew my mind because it was a very good beer. Played a lot of Halo over at Chops’ and JJ’s. Chops and I were celebrating our last day of classes ever. (At least as an undergraduate.) We decided to make a run to Target after a couple of hours. At Target I successfully, along with Chops, talked JJ into buying Call of Duty 4 (A spectacular game.) Thus causing JJ to spend more money and succumb to peer pressure. I was a little greedy and bought myself something off my wish list. I purchased a new Xbox 360 controller along with a rechargeable battery pack. Chops bought a fancy 4 slot toaster along with a DVD set of all 4 Tremors movies. (The fact that there were 4 shocked me.) We headed back to their place for more Halo action; where I strong armed them into testing my map. (It still has bugs!) Afterwards we went out to Blarney’s for cheap wings and cheap beer. I purchased a couple pints of Guinness along with 24 wings. (I’m sure I will regret this later tonight when the wings finish their job.) $9 later and an hour or so we were headed back home. Casey was nice enough to be the sober cab and drive us. There was some more Halo action (read: Lots), and then it was time for folks to go to bed and go home. (That’d be me. And it was like 3 hours later.) Tomorrow is looking to be a poker night. I can only hope to get yet another 2nd place. I seem to finish second place in every tournament partake in. I have terrible luck when it comes to cards but I can usually win when it comes to a battle of wills and wits.

So my computer just started making very odd noises. I guess that means it is time to stop, good night all. And yes, I think this counts towards continuous posts since on a 24hr cycle I am well within the time limit. ;-P

Christmas List

Well after talking to Elizabeth, I’ve realized that I forgot to write down what I wanted this Christmas. I was going to write it in a word doc (actually Open Office doc), but sicne I’ve got the blog now I figured, “Why not here?” Without further ado…


  • Men’s Ware House Gift Certificates (Received some for Graduation)
  • Electric Blanket (Thanks for that already Mom.)
  • New Cellphone (Because a broken ear piece blows!  I specifically want the Tilt)
  • New Slippers
  • Those fancy ear muffs that don’t mess up your hair


  • Nintendo DS Lite
    • +Games!!!!
  • Music CDs (Because iTunes quality is mediocre and I support music I like.)
    • The Hives – Black and White
    • The Killers – Sawdust
    • Jimmy Eat World – [Newest Release]
    • The White Stripes – Icky Thump
    • Boys Like Girls – [Newest Release]
    • The Starting Line – [Newest Release]
    • Trans Siberian Orchestra – [The Christ Album released in 1996]
  • New Computer
  • Hockey Goalie Equipment [This is a major secondary since I already have a full regular set.]
  • Spare Xbox 360 Controller
    • Rechargeable battery pack for Xbox 360 Controller
  • 2 More Wii Remotes
  • Digital SLR Camera
  • New earbud headphones

That is all I can think of off the top of my head.  As you can see, some are more far fetched than others.  These are all things that would make my life easier or more enjoyable.  But, honestly, I have my family, friends and health; for that I am grateful and happy.  I really need nothing more to have a wonderful Christmas.  Anything beyond that would be icing on an already tasty cake.

Halo 3 Heroic Map Pack Day

The Halo 3 Heroic Map Pack was released today. I stayed up until 4am to download it and then proceeded to make a map. For those that don’t understand, the game has a “forge” mode that allows you to edit the content of an existing map. It’s much like take the shell of a car and changing all it’s parts. Three hours after release I had finished the map. It’s a tribute to good old 90’s classic, American Gladiators. Okay, so no one who reads this will likely care, but I figured I would just say what I did this morning…before I went to sleep.

Class was pretty uneventful. It was the first of a two part review extravaganza; tomorrow being the second part. It was the last class with one of my favorite teachers – Summers. I liked him because he teaches in sync with my style of learning and could properly answer questions that were asked. He was the TA for this class, Econometrics, but I had had him for a professor in my Financial Economics class. The Final for this class will be on the 18th and after that I will be done with my undergraduate education.

On that note – I graduated, or had the ceremony, this past Sunday on Dec. 9th 2007. I’m glad to still be graduating an “07”. The order of prerequisites could have screwed that up, but I was fortunate enough to only be delayed a single semester. Two classes over two semesters – silly.

The historic posts should be moved over soon. The panel here at Dreamhost was down last night, at least for me. I was unable to get in and it just kind of halted me from doing any more back end work. Funny enough I don’t really need to do anything with Dreamhost, since WordPress has a wonderful way of grabbing those posts without the need of FTP, SSH or any other fancy acronyms. (I lied… I will likely being using RSS which is an acronym.) Lots to look forward to and lots to in the upcoming month. I may have put life on autopilot for the past couple of months but now it’s time to get in gear.

Time’s up! Alright let’s do this!


Shatteredcube 2.0 is underway. However, it is not as previously described. I have decided, with the influence of Justin, to use WordPress as my CMS versus a custom built CMS. It shall be interesting not having to focus on coding and being allowed to work on aspects I find more enjoyable. (Not that I don’t like coding, but having to learn languages all over again can be quite taxing.) So here’s to the future and here’s to providing Fictional Accountability.