Shatteredcube 2.0

It certainly has been a long time. I’m posting to inform the community (all be it small) that Shatteredcube 2.0 is in the works. I’m going to slim things down and focus more on content. This means more blogging and less fluff. Unfortunately for now that means less features, but updates should be more frequent. I have a few projects that I am going to undertake and will regale the progress of those projects to my adoring audience as they unfold. I will be moving into WordPress CMS and with a heavy heart abandoning my custom CMS. (I never really liked it, but it sure was fun to build.) While that move takes place you can read any current updates at: ,which is the current residence of the new site.

Picture 2

The next set of many more to come.

This one is a little guy that has magnetic legs adn hands that you can mold into many different shapes.

This one is a picture of our art project for art 1001W (Shout out to Nicole and Tony). It’s an underground park designed for the city. I tried to get a "perspective" point of view.

shatter craziness

First Picture Update

So I actually took a couple and uploaded them. The first one was taken yesterday. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud in the library.

This second one was taken a while back (novemeber, if you haven’t figured out by now the images filenames are the date they were taken) and I was impressed at my ability to capture the UFOs.

All of the images are shot on a Motorola v551 from Cingular; with a sometimes dirty lens. Don’t even ask what f-stop or shutter speed because the exposure comes in the form of words like "Sunny" or "Night". I have plenty more photos and I have photos of real people so if you don’t mind me posting your image on the web I’d like it if you left a comment saying so under this post.

That’s all for now. I’ve got homework to do.

shatter errors

Update w00t!

Hello devoted viewers! I don’t like to blog it seems. What I do like to do is take pictures with my crappy cell phone camera. (That is until I save a good $1-3k and buy myself a Canon Digital Rebel, much like Alex‘s camera.) Therefore I think I will convert the front page to a daily photo showcase. It will take some coding (read: will never get done because of other things that take precedence.) Well cross your fingers because I know all of you are writhing in anticipation.

shatter this crappy winter