The Summer of Anti-Post

As some of you may have noticed, there haven’t been very many posts. The only explanation I have for this is that I have been busy doing what seems as I reflect…nothing. I have failed to observe the detail that lies hidden in the obviously normal. Hopefully I will get better at it as the school year starts to wind up.

I am working, although not as productively as I would like, on a website wizard tool for a JRCA product. More details will follow when it is launched.

I hope to add a new "segment" for lack of a better word (perhaps essays?) to the site. I plan to write my thoughts on current topics of interest, such as:

Video Game Violentce, Global Economics, Global Politics, US Media Censorship, Racism and other topics that I would like to discuss with my readership.

Also with my new phone and Blue Tooth capabilities I would like to ad a segment where I use it to take a daily picture.

My current project, aside from what I have said, is to build my own custom computer/homework/drawing desk. I also want to "Pimp my" Computer.

Have a good time in the rest of the summer everyone.

shatter the norm!

I’m proud to be an American!

It’s the 4th of July weekend. The weekend where every other nation magically goes from July 3rd to July 5th feeling slightly as if their skulls have been ravaged by a million over zealous penny pinchers. While the rest of us enjoy a nice bit of drink illuminated by the smiles of our families and the glow of fireworks in the air. I will be heading up north to enjoy the great outdoors and can only hope for sunshine and clear skies. Looking out my window makes me nervous but it can be comforting. If the weather gets all of this rain out of its system now, then perhaps it will clear up for the weekend.

Ok first update for a while. That book I mentioned, well I am moving slow on it but I have the first half of the outline and the last fourth. Meaning I am missing the third fourth. I hope it will be entertaining and slightly original but I find it so hard to be original in our media soaked culture.

I’ve started playing Battlefield 2, it’s not going so hot because of frequent connection droppage that I find out is not my problem, but rather a problem in the code. Hopefully EA will find it worthwhile to release a patch to fix the known issues.

Right now I am doing one of the coolest things ever. I am using this program called audigy to make custom ring tones for my new phone. The ringtones are mp3 ringtones and I am transferring them over bluetooth. They are playing at a nice 128kbps to conserve space. I would like to know how to decrease that even further if someone knows how to do that in Audigy.

I’m working on a site design for JRCA and hopefully spawning a similar design for shatteredcube from it. I think it really stretches the realm of what I have done. Using completely new colors and design aspects mixed with some of the old. You should be able to see it soon. My biggest problem is what to do with the majority of the page, I just don’t know how to layout the body or tie in the header design.

Well I will bid you goodbye and wish you all a Happy 4th and if you happen to not live in this wonderful but degenerate nation of ours, then we apologize for the fireworks and barbeque that no doubt will be shoved down your gullets.

shatter lots of hot dogs like that asian guy in the hot dog eating contest!

Richard v1.20

Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. It feels so nice to know how many people love you. It was a good one too. Elizabeth took me out to Grand Slam where we had a great time. We did everything there, bumper cars are still "red neck" style and I wouldn’t suggest anyone actually pay for them. I won’t go into too much in depth, but it was a really fun time. Sidenote: Strawberry ICEEs are way good.

I then followed up that with dinner at Famous Dave’s with Elizabeth and my parents. Always good food and good times. I think the waitresses name was Tracy. I remember this because she was in training and the lady she was shadowing was named Becky<-Also the name of someone I know. It was funny to watch and listen to her give pointers. After that lovely dinner we came back to our house where my parents presented me with my "present". They are putting some money forth on a new phone. This means I won’t have to use my "broke-ass" phone anymore. The same phone I fixed by jamming paper underneath the keypad to get the "3" button and the most important, the "hang-up" button working. I’m looking at the Motorola v551 and I am pretty sure that will the be the one I get. Compared to my Nokia 3560 or whatever I have, that is like the holy grail ::Alert! Inside "joke" referenced:: I think I will stick with cingular because I like their coverage plan and the fact that it is nation wide, incase I do something like move to Arizona for the summer…

Which brings me to my final note for the evening. Nick, a very good friend of mine, has offered me a position in Arizona to sell pest control. A crazy idea at first, but oh so tempting. With the opportunity to make 12k to 25k in just one summer, I must say it is rather tempting. There are reservations and certain emotional and moral factors that are guiding my mind in staying, but I must say that the experience a situation like that would afford is quite immeasurable. I don’t know what I am going to do yet, I have determined to decide by this weekend. Elizabeth has already said that it would be good for me to go out and try new things and the experience would be really good for me. Is she great or what? I sure do love that girl.

Well it was a good day of celebrating and now it is back to real life. 2 meetings tomorrow and a job interview thursday. I may have to tell the guy that I can’t accept the position if I decide to go to Arizona. I say "may" because if history has anything to show it is that I am never the best qualified candidate. We’ll see how it goes, it is a position as a tech support guy.

Goodnight everyone and happy June 7th and now June 8th

shatter age be a kid forever!

Guess what?

I’m going to write a book. That is, after I eat lunch of course. Nothing’s more dangerous than writing on an empty stomach.

shatter short posts

P.S. New wallpaper in members gallery.