This past week has been kind of rough. For a logical reason I have been excluded from a group of 5 for housing next year. It is easier to find a house for 4. Why a 3 and 2 fix couldn’t be found, I don’t know, but I could guess. The decision was made before a house had been found as well. All signs point to a more emotional reason and influencing rather than a logical reason. This stemmed lots of drama that isn’t necessary, to say the least. Some shit has been building since day one and some people would rather just go on behind backs rather than bring the issues to the front. If I were overtly concerned with the issues I would try my best to bring them to the fore-front and deal with them. However, I don’t know what they are exactly and no one apparently wants to tell me. I feel that all this "dramatic" behavior is all too "high-schoolish" and even though friendships may be on the line, I’d rather just be rid of it than continue to fight a losing battle. There is no reason this couldn’t have been handled like able minded adults and there is no reason it still can’t. It has helped me understand what my priorities are and that the only safe bet is yourself, all other are wildcards. If it sounds harsh, it is, it’s life, it’s not meant to be easy. This doesn’t mean I hate the world, no, I don’t hate anyone. I’m really grateful for all the friends and family that I have, it’s just that recently I have become disappointed in a few. They let me down at an important time and did it in very poorly chosen manner. The entire situation should have been handled better. The goal as stated by some was not reached. All of the behavior surrounding this mess appears very personal in nature and that is why those closest to me acted as they did. For when those truly close to you are hurt, you hurt as well. Perhaps some do not see how it could be personal, but I ask you to walk in my shoes for one moment and understand all that I have been through (since the beginning of last year). If after that you still do not understand then ask me sometime. I will be more than glad to share with you the trials and tribulations of the past two years. As for now, I see that I need to focus on what is important to me and that is finishing this semester off the best that I can. While the situation will better with time, it is uncertain as to what exactly will be the outcome. My door remains open and I prefer in the face rather than in the back.
Well now the good news. It is possible that Nick is coming to the U and if he reads this, then I am not forcing him to come, but if he does, that’d be pretty cool. If he does come here than there is 99% (+/- 1%). chance that I will be rooming with him. If so conversations might go something like this. Who is who, is up to you. If he decides not to come to the U I will be getting a single or a studio in dinkytown, chop off my ear and become an artist.
Made cookies and dinner with Elizabeth today. The food was so good and filling. Good family recipes I must say.
Ok I am tired and this is a busy busy busy week.
shatter a small puppy
LP sounds much more "bling bling…yo." than link pimpin, so I will be using that from now on. With that said here is the LP for this weekend!
This kid is my hero and deserves the captain’s stance. *raises leg*
This one is for John *wink*
Van Wilder has nothing on this guy
The Star Wars nerds are at it again
Now You Know (it’s like an after school special, for alcoholics)
Don’t trust Jesus’s decision? Try someone else.
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