IE HTML Area test

I apologize for all the testing but I really need to do it.

I am checking to see what tags it will put here and also testing the string replace again.



shatter a cube

Holy crap!

It worked, yes it worked, woohoo!!!!

Only downfall is that in my choice browser (firefox) it uses tags I don’t very much prefer. I may have to start updating in IE becasue (Now testing string replaces) said that in IE they use strong and em. HTMLArea seems to be working as planned though. I think I shall try to crash it with this post. Here goes…

  1. hello
  2. list
  3. numbers?
  • bullets even?
  • can I change their styles?





italic I am italic or em if I were in IE
underlined? will this work?


ok I am done…

shattering a cube and HTMLArea

Crossing fingers…

Well it has been a series of test one one fricken line before I got this to work. And if all goes as predicted this should work or else you will never see these words because I keep typing something different each time. Well here goes nothing. It will be nice to see how the text from HTMLArea is handled.

Shattering cubes…


That is what I shall call it. MyCMS Why? Becasue I am going to build it and I can call it whatever the damn I please. That and I really couldn’t think of a creative or nerdy name (Oxwaf). So far I’m stuck at step one, which is just silly because it’s a stupid step to be stuck at. It’s relatively easy, however, I just don’t understand the code yet and things keep coming up.

Like, charity poker where I made it to 4th position to lose to a set of queens with two pair. Halo keeps coming up too. Not so much for me, but my roomates sure do play a lot of it, right near obsession levels. Homework is starting to roll in and once again I am getting on a poor sleep schedule. On the plus side none of my classes appear to be hard so long as I keep up with the reading.

Chops and I are looking to start a band. He said he wrote a song today. This is a good step in the right direction. It appears as if I have to re-learn the guitar and most importantly iron out that sucking part. Speaking of… Justin should bring forth those videos and such that we made a while ago. That was a good time.

Hmmm, Germany I was going to write about this so…

That’s what we call a cliff hanger, stay tuned for an exciting and provocative story.

Until then shatter a cube.