Across the universe. On the star ship enterprise, under Captain Kirk!
Kids grow up so fast these days. We are looking for houses and finding!
Star Trek is fantastic. I don’t care who you are. At some level you should be able to appreciate the movie. My only piece of advice, to those who may not be “Trekkies” or “Trekkers”, is try to see the movie with others who aren’t familiar with the lore. The movie may not be as good if you realize that you are missing out on a TON of inside jokes. That is all.
As a movie it should shine as an example. Well paced, good action, nice plot, logical beginning, middle and end; simply put, it had all the right components. Let this be a lesson for you James Bond series. STOP SUCKING!
Seriously, don’t see Quantum of Solace. Most disappointing movie – ever.
Of All Time.
On the heels of perfect moments – I suppose it is fitting that I write about not so perfect moments.
My car was broken into last Friday. They must have been watching and waiting to see specific activity because they knew exactly what they wanted out of my car and where to find it. Pity they weren’t elegant and had to force their way in through my passenger side window.
Happened near Quigley’s residence. So keep your eyes open for suspicious activity. It’s a very upscale area, but I guess that’s why criminals patrol there.
Quigley was amazingly helpful in covering up the window. Thank you quigley for helping out during the sad situation. I’m going to try and post some photos, but I’m on the iPhone so we will see.
Anyway it’s deductible city now. The car should be in working order by the weekend.
Life is a series of moments. Every once in a while a moment comes along where nothing else matters. Time moves slower, the air is sweeter and your soul is free to just take it all in. I think it’d be great to create a collection of “Perfect Moments.” Here are just 2 of the many in my life to start it off:
1) After a long and tiring day of skiing, it is a moment of complete peace and satisfaction as I drive home. I’ve just had a wonderful day. The heater in the car is starting to kick in. The music on the radio seems to be always what I want to hear. There is rarely another car on the road. It’s nothing but me, the car and the road to reflect on how great life really is.
2) Taking a much needed nap by a fireplace. The world melts away in front of the light and warmth of the fire. Nothing truly gives the mind and soul a break like a nap in front of the fireplace.
What are your perfect moments? They don’t have to be long or descriptive, just moments that are truly perfect to you.
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