Tag Archives: Internet Explorer

MooCube v0.9

You may notice that things have changed a bit around here.  The new template is nearing version 1.0 status.  As is, Version 0.9 is stable enough to be implemented for testing purposes.  Unfortunately I don’t have an easy way to set up a test server or test location.  That means that I will have to test on the live WordPress installation.  This is incredibly bad practice, but the only one available.

Some features that you may have noticed:

  • Use your mousewheel on the banner image to change it’s hue.
  • The buttons to the right of the content allow you to change the header image to certain preset colors.
  • The Cube button”explodes” the glass display units.
  • IE is likely extremely busted right now.
  • The page, aside from the mootools include, is fairly light weight for what it does.
  • The page is 99% fluid.

The list of things yet to do for v1.0:

  • Perfect fonts and styles
  • Perfect List styles and Blockquotes
  • Adjust for the short comings of IE
  • Figure out why comments are not being displayed

In the mean time you can help yourself out by getting Firefox, the only browser you should use.