Tag Archives: JJ

All clear

So yesterday’s post was in response to my father being admitted to the ER with the possibility of a stress induced cardiac issue.  He felt an odd pain/sensation that he had not felt before and due to the amount of stress that work has been for the past year he figured it would be best to get it looked at.  They held him over night to do a stress test this morning.  Everything appears to be fine but it is a clear indication that he, as do we all, need to manage our stress levels and find time to relax.

So relax we did.  My dad and I sat down today to watch the first disc of Battlestar Galactica Season 2.0.  It is a great series for anyone who enjoy sci-fi or quality interpersonal development.  (Weird combo but it works.)

This was after I had gotten up at 8:30am this morning to go play Hockey with JJ and his friend Drew at Bielenberg.  We played for a good hour and a half.  JJ is getting considerably better in goal and as for myself, well I had a big break through in my shooting today.  I feel that I was able to gain 25% accuracy increase along with a 15% power increase all by completing the shot motion.  I thought I had been doing it all along but not until I made a conscious effort did I realize what I had been missing.  After ourhockey endeavor I stopped at Anytime Fitness and put in a good hour workout.  That’s two and a half hours of exercise today.  I’m glad that I forced myself to workout after hockey even though I was already dead tired.  In fact, I’m surprised I’m awake right now to type this post.  I’m fairly certain that I am getting a second wind, hopefully it will die right as I finish typing.

Elizabeth was in the market to get some new glasses today so I tagged along to share my uninformed opinion on everything eyeware.  Our destination, Pearle Vision, was quite possibly the brightest store in the entire world.  I certainly looked like crap in all the mirrors, it’s no wonder I’m a night person, the dark suites me.  We were fortunate enough to find a pair of glasses that really had that “Wow” factor.

After that it was back to my house to watch some TV.  Reno 911 is back on, so “wizard” to that.  Oh yea, Elizabeth and I saw Juno last night.  Great flick.  Everyone should see it.  Also I’m 99% sure that it takes place in Minnesota.  Elizabeth and I kind of narrowed it down to being in Bloomington or somewhere around there.

That’s all the rambling I can think of now.  Ramble on children….ramble on…


I picked up both of my suits today. They fit pretty dang well. I could get used to this custom tailored lifestyle.

In an entirely different category of suits, I picked up a goalie chest protector last week from play it again. It was a “sorta” birthday present for JJ because he can use it when we play now. I was able to use it yesterday when we played hockey with Elizabeth’s family. I stepped in goal and used my pads along with her brother Scott’s pads. Being a goalie is certainly different from being a regular player. It worked my legs a lot more. All the up and down is tiring but exhilarating when you make the stop.

Hello 2008!

Ah isn’t the baby new year so cute?

Spent this New Year’s Eve relaxed.  Instead of driving downtown to a party that might exist or to a bar where they would charge too much for one of us to drink, we decided to stay in and watch the ball drop form Elizabeth’s house.  It was a good evening except I ate too much candy and got a headache.  Dick Clark sounded really ill and looks none too happy that Ryan Seacrest is going to be his replacement.

New Year’s day was also spent relaxed.  Elizabeth and I watched Hairspray, a charming and funny movie.  I made some Cinnamon Rolls I found in the freezer.  They were crap.  I refuse to buy anything but Pillsbury brand from now on.  Still hungry, we decided to order a pizza from Papa John’s.  It arrived pretty dang fast but it was smaller than I expected.  I still prefer Papa Murphy’s to just about every pizza out there.  (Don’t worry Davanni’s Deep Dish, I still love you the best.)  Elizabeth played Zelda on the DS while I watched Illinois throw a perfectly good comeback into the toilet.

Parent’s came back from their up north adventure and we all sat around and watched Biggest Loser.  I really don’t think they should kick people off that show.  They should award points on a decreasing scale and allow teams to stay on so that more people can loose weight.

I took Elizabeth home and played some Halo with the guys.  JJ apparently purchased a nice new HDTV.  It’s a good thing he has a job now or he would be back out on the street corner.  Now it’s time for bed and some exercise in the morning.  No need to shower twice in a day, that only wastes water and I’m trying to be eco-friendly.

The Pre-Christmas Warm Up

If you haven’t noticed, it’s been a few days since I’ve last posted.  A very influential reader informed me that it would be best if I did so again.

I feel I can not be blamed for the passing of time and of the rate at which it travels.  To me the past few days have blended into one giant super day.  It is mostly the effect of a multi day graduation celebration.  A number of us made trips to Minneapolis (or stayed there since some live there) and we got our “party on” as the kids (ha!) say these days.  Greg found it in his infinite wisdom to purchase a Breathalyzer.  We turned it into a game of sorts and were certainly surprised by the results.  The most interesting part of the night occurred when JJ while playing wingman happened to be the only one to come out “victorious”.  JJ ended up staying and chatting with the girl when the rest of us decided to get out of his hair and head to KHK to see Quigley.  He was a wonderful host but that doesn’t change the fact that my desk is better than his.  Afterwards we stopped at the lovely Burrito Loco to get some food.  Back at Chops’ place Greg and Elizabeth quickly slipped off to dreamland after finishing their Loco. They were the top players in the Breathalyzer Olympics.  Elizabeth being the winner with a BAC of .21.  Chops and I entertained ourselves by making a video of JJ’s empty room and then watched TV while we waited for JJ to return.  JJ showed up in short notice to inform us of the anticlimactic end to his evening.  Unsurprisingly the girl was not JJ’s type and who could blame him?  It’s not that he didn’t have the chance to make things happen, it’s just he is a better guy than that.  Still, it was something out of the usual and that is always a good time.   That was pretty much the end of that evening.

Saturday was quality time with Elizabeth.  We just relaxed the whole day together.  Moments like that are far and few between.  It is wonderful when we get to enjoy each others company alone for so long.  It had rained the previous evening and sequentially dropped back below freezing so I had to veraciously scrape off my car.  The roads were pretty nightmarish when driving Elizabeth back home.  Capped off the evening with some COD4 and some ranked doubles in Halo3 with JJ.  We pretty much rocked everyone we played by a good measure.

My effort to go to sleep early last night failed.  (I blame myself, although JJ could hold a close second.)  Which in turn threw my plans to wake up early and finish my Christmas Shopping into blarney.  (English references ftw!)  Woke up around 4:00pm.  Found, to my wonderful surprise, that my parents had cleared out the middle stall of the garage so that it could now be used to berth a car like it was intended.  Thus, scrapping ice from my car as previously detailed has come to an end.  It was with good timing as today we were hit by a good dose of snow and wind.  So at around 5:00pm I headed out into the storm to finish my Cristmas shopping.  I still had my sister, Secret Santa and few more items to purchase for Elizabeth.  I headed over to W******* L**** and W**-M*** to make my purchases.  I was lucky I had woken up so early (</sarcasm>) because W******* L**** was closing at 6:00pm.  I stopped in 3 different stores and was able to pick up some gifts for my sister and Elizabeth.  With still a few things in mind I headed off to W**-M***, the store that never closes.  I was able to pick up the remainder of my gifts for all three people.  Total time was 40mins for that shopping trip.  Given the terrible driving conditions and the amount of walking between stores I must stay that I deserve some kind of medal.  The only demerit I deserve was forgetting a battery for the garage remote.  A23 battery?  Honestly, what the crap kind of battery is that.

I must reiterate that people are terrible drivers.  You live in Minnesota.  It’s going to snow.  It kind of happens every year.  Long term memory exist for a reason!  Remove head from arse!

Able to rest having completed all my shopping I spent some quality time with the parents.  We prepared for the family Christmas Eve party while Discovery Channel was on in the background.  (A cool show about a couple living with Wolves in Idaho.)  My Dad helped prep the Turkey, my Mom made the stuffing and I made the Chex Mix.  I had to improvise a bit because of the size of the batch we were making but it turned out well.  (Kind of hard to screw up.)  When we were done cooking and the show about the wolves was over we switched it over to Comedy Central where we watched Trading Places.  As the night drew to a close and the show was over, I retreated to the basement for some COD4 with Chad.  We tried to get JJ to play with us, but he his home for the holidays and doesn’t have the mechanical means to connect to Xbox live.

And now we come to the present hour and find me wrapping up this post with a cliche conclusion.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve and if you are having a party, party in moderation.  Enjoy the holiday season and be safe on the roads.  Merry Chirstmas everyone.