Tag Archives: JJ - Page 2

What do you want?

Yesterday (yes, I’m posting a little late, but streaks add unnecessary pressure), was indeed a fun night. After doing some laundry I made my way downtown. The traffic had mysterious slow downs along the way, further proving that humans beings don’t deserve the right to drive. After an abnormally long trip, I stopped to pick up some Subway and some more of that wonderful Winter Bourbon Cask Ale. We watched a snippets of a variety of movies while we waited for all parties to arrive. Elizabeth showed up after her work party. The week can get long and it’s not uncommon for me to go without seeing her 4-5 days at a time. After a little pre-party we made our way to Blarney’s. We secured ourselves a place by the fire and proceed to have a good time. The band was a fantastic cover band. They knew a huge variety of songs. I think their name was “4 Degrees”, but I wasn’t in control of all my faculties so I could be wrong. I got a shout out by the band because I was the only one to cheer when they announced that the drummer was going to play the tambourine. That started off the repertoire between the band and our group. It certainly paid off when Greg humorously requested “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy.” Fully not expecting it to happen, we were all surprised when the band said they knew that one. They would play it but with one caveat; he had to get up and dance. Greg being his big shy self had no real desire to do that. So I told our waitress Katie to pull his butt up there and make him dance. She was successful in getting him up there but if I remember correctly when she found out what the song was she went away and left poor Greg all by himself. Enough peer pressure and the band already playing, Greg remained up on the stage and danced his usual “Greg” style dancing. (It’s something you must see, it’s glorious.) The brave soldier remained up there and things were looking for the worse when some angel from no where shows up to join Greg on the dance floor. Pretty fun night, Laurence and Chris showed up and brought with them a game I haven’t played since high school. (The one where you make the “OK” symbol below your waist somewhere and if you get someone to look at it you get to punch them in the shoulder. Childish, but all in all pretty funny.) Overall, very fun night; capped off with some Burrito Loco. (Attendance: Myself, Elizabeth, JJ, Chops, Greg, Casey, Laurence, Chris)

Today, I yet again drove downtown, but for a much more healthy reason. With the arrival of winter, comes snow and ice. That means that it’s time for 2 of my most favorite things: skiing and hockey. Today was spent playing hockey and Van Cleve Community Park. We spent most of the time trying to deke each other. After that, JJ put on his Goalie pads (At least the pads that he has accumulated so far. He’s still trying to piece together a full set. A for effort!) We started shooting on him in our little open ice area, using our imaginations to figure where the goal should be. After the sun set we remained on the ice and as the rinks cleared out we finally got JJ in a goal where we shot on him some more. Pretty upsetting that the warming house wasn’t open past 3pm on a Saturday; which also meant that the lights wouldn’t come on. After we were tired enough and no longer able to see it was time to split ways. They have something to attend tonight and I have other things to do. Pretty sore right now, but the hot shower felt good. JJ just notified me that apparently one of my shots broke his cell phone. What his cell phone was doing in his pocket while he was playing goalie, will remain a mystery but that’s sad news none the less. Perfect time to buy a new cell phone I say 🙂

As far as the site goes. You may or may not notice that the new site has now taken over shatteredcube.com and is finally settled into its permanent home. This means that everyone will need to update their RSS feed. You can do this at the bottom of the web page. Click on the RSS link and if you have Firefox add it to your live bookmarks. (I’m ignorant to the workings of IE or other browsers, sorry!)

I forgot to add a list of movies that I want for Christmas as well, but rather than post them I’d like to ask my readership what it is that they want most for Christmas? If you happen to have a different faith, then what would you like for your respective holiday?

Perpetual 2nd

Doomed I say.  Doomed to live a life of eternal second places.  Yet another poker game has come and gone, resulting in a second place finish for yours truly.  The game was a steady decline until I won a few key hands to become chip leader.  I pretty much worked Greg over.  To his credit, he didn’t see the flush possibility on the board and made an ill advised call.  Thus our four player game (Greg, Casey, JJ and Myself) became a two player game and that was where my “luck” had run out.  I made an ok call by forcing JJ’s hand (pre-flop)  only to have him soundly thrash me.  From then on it was pretty much over.  No luck I say, no luck.

Chops doesn’t join us at the table on these poker nights.  In the past he had class and wouldn’t get back until after the game had started.  Not having any excuse now, he still would rather play video games or watch a movie.  This time he chose to do both.   After some Halo he put in Tremors.  As we fell one by one from the poker table we made our way into the living room to join in the viewing of Tremors.  It was certainly a refreshing look at the Golden Era of movies-ha!  It is indeed the epitome of a modern day B-movie.

We didn’t do much after that.  I returned home and ate some left over Yang’s.  Played some Xbox live with JJ and Chad.  Now it’s time for bed.  I’m pretty proud of my update track record.  Definitely a testament to the stark contrast in the usability of WordPress versus my patch work CMS.  Tomorrow should be really fun.  Greg was talking about getting JJ pretty well “hydrated” and I get to see Elizabeth after her work party.  Life is wonderful, goodnight!

“9 minutes”

Justin warned me today that I was within 9 minutes of not posting everyday. This would bring the streak that I was trying to establish to a grinding halt after only 2 days. Of course one could technically say that I missed the deadline, but I prefer to think otherwise. Much like many businesses do not follow the calendar year when it comes to their fiscal year, I do not follow the standard day. My day ends when I go to sleep. If this means I end up with 48 hour days, then so be it. So I say that my day has now concluded and I can now post in detail the events of my day.

It was part two of the review extravaganza that began yesterday. Not a whole lot of exciting things happened. Moving on…I stopped at the liquor store and picked up some Winter Bourbon Ale. It is brewed apparently by Anheuser-Busch, which absolutely blew my mind because it was a very good beer. Played a lot of Halo over at Chops’ and JJ’s. Chops and I were celebrating our last day of classes ever. (At least as an undergraduate.) We decided to make a run to Target after a couple of hours. At Target I successfully, along with Chops, talked JJ into buying Call of Duty 4 (A spectacular game.) Thus causing JJ to spend more money and succumb to peer pressure. I was a little greedy and bought myself something off my wish list. I purchased a new Xbox 360 controller along with a rechargeable battery pack. Chops bought a fancy 4 slot toaster along with a DVD set of all 4 Tremors movies. (The fact that there were 4 shocked me.) We headed back to their place for more Halo action; where I strong armed them into testing my map. (It still has bugs!) Afterwards we went out to Blarney’s for cheap wings and cheap beer. I purchased a couple pints of Guinness along with 24 wings. (I’m sure I will regret this later tonight when the wings finish their job.) $9 later and an hour or so we were headed back home. Casey was nice enough to be the sober cab and drive us. There was some more Halo action (read: Lots), and then it was time for folks to go to bed and go home. (That’d be me. And it was like 3 hours later.) Tomorrow is looking to be a poker night. I can only hope to get yet another 2nd place. I seem to finish second place in every tournament partake in. I have terrible luck when it comes to cards but I can usually win when it comes to a battle of wills and wits.

So my computer just started making very odd noises. I guess that means it is time to stop, good night all. And yes, I think this counts towards continuous posts since on a 24hr cycle I am well within the time limit. ;-P