Tag Archives: RSS

Halo 3 Heroic Map Pack Day

The Halo 3 Heroic Map Pack was released today. I stayed up until 4am to download it and then proceeded to make a map. For those that don’t understand, the game has a “forge” mode that allows you to edit the content of an existing map. It’s much like take the shell of a car and changing all it’s parts. Three hours after release I had finished the map. It’s a tribute to good old 90’s classic, American Gladiators. Okay, so no one who reads this will likely care, but I figured I would just say what I did this morning…before I went to sleep.

Class was pretty uneventful. It was the first of a two part review extravaganza; tomorrow being the second part. It was the last class with one of my favorite teachers – Summers. I liked him because he teaches in sync with my style of learning and could properly answer questions that were asked. He was the TA for this class, Econometrics, but I had had him for a professor in my Financial Economics class. The Final for this class will be on the 18th and after that I will be done with my undergraduate education.

On that note – I graduated, or had the ceremony, this past Sunday on Dec. 9th 2007. I’m glad to still be graduating an “07”. The order of prerequisites could have screwed that up, but I was fortunate enough to only be delayed a single semester. Two classes over two semesters – silly.

The historic posts should be moved over soon. The panel here at Dreamhost was down last night, at least for me. I was unable to get in and it just kind of halted me from doing any more back end work. Funny enough I don’t really need to do anything with Dreamhost, since WordPress has a wonderful way of grabbing those posts without the need of FTP, SSH or any other fancy acronyms. (I lied… I will likely being using RSS which is an acronym.) Lots to look forward to and lots to in the upcoming month. I may have put life on autopilot for the past couple of months but now it’s time to get in gear.

Time’s up! Alright let’s do this!